Large spills may be extremely dangerous to both humans and the environment. A spill kit is a collection of absorbent materials that may be utilised in the event of a hazardous liquid leak or accident. They are made to prevent the spill from spreading and to aid in the beginning of the cleanup procedure.
You may purchase spill kits of different sizes for your business, but there are normally three different types of spill kits: a general-purpose spill kit, an oil and/or fuel spillage kit, and a chemical spill kit.
Only emergencies should be used to open spill kits. PPE (personal protective equipment), materials to block leaks, garbage bags, and materials to close drains are among the common foundation products found in the majority. Spill kits of various shapes and functions may be available at some workplaces.
The first and most crucial thing to do when there is a spill is to protect oneself. This spill kit training course examines the contents of a spill kit, when to use one, and the steps to take in the event of a leak.