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Assessing Mental Capacity


SKU: COURSE-214 Category:

The Assessing Mental Capacity course walks you through the process of determining whether or not a person has the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves on their own behalf. This article examines the Mental Competence Act of 2005 as well as the five fundamental elements that are involved in determining a person’s mental capacity. In addition to that, it examines several examples of capacity assessments and discusses how to handle disagreements and complaints.

The Mental Capacity Act and the five fundamental guidelines for determining mental capacity are covered throughout the course. It describes ways to assist someone in making decisions on their own. It also guides you through the two-stage exam required to do a capacity assessment if necessary. It examines who could need assistance, how to assist, and any further support you might require to do so.

Emphasizing the value of putting the individual at the centre of the decision-making process and responding sensitively is a significant component of this training.