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Person-Centred Care Training


SKU: COURSE-1192 Category:

Working in tandem with Standard 5 of the Care Certificate, this CPD-accredited Person-Centered Care Training course demonstrates how to collaborate with an individual to develop a comprehensive plan for their care and support.

Having values that are centred on individuals will help you provide better service to your clients. Six core principles define person-centered care in general, and they are as follows:

  1. Care
  2. Compassion
  3. Competence
  4. Communication
  5. Courage
  6. Commitment

On the other hand, the 6 Cs might help you see why it’s important to put each person at the centre of your care and support strategies. Instead than forcing a person to conform to an established schedule, the routine should be adjusted to fit the person. Person-centered work is another name for this approach.

Our training thoroughly investigates these important concepts and prepares carers to practise “person-centred” care. Tools to promote person-centered approaches and risk enablement are covered in addition to the legal and regulatory framework and the Care Act.