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Fire Warden Training


SKU: COURSE-416 Category:

A comprehensive induction programme for fire wardens that will provide you with all the information required to become a fully qualified fire warden or fire marshal You may strive towards compliance with the Fire Safety Order 2005 and other current laws with the support of IOSH and RoSPA certified and CPD recognised training.

You may acquire all the skills necessary to perform your duties as a Fire Warden or Fire Marshal with the help of our comprehensive and in-depth training programme. The combination of what you learn in this programme and the right kind of experience will make you an expert in your field.

Assigning a Fire Warden is a crucial step in ensuring that your business follows all applicable health and safety regulations. In addition, it displays a serious intent to put effective emergency fire protocols into place.

This Fire Warden training programme will educate you on everything from your responsibilities under current fire laws to the proper use of fire extinguishers and the organisation of a safe evacuation. More than 100,000 people have participated in this programme, making it one of our most popular courses and an absolute necessity for the security of any company.

There are five main topics covered in this training manual: what causes fires, how to see them, what to do in an emergency, and what fire extinguishers to use and when.