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Basic Life Support Training in Care


SKU: COURSE-1198 Category:

The care certificate’s Standard 12 is the main emphasis of the basic life support training course, which instructs participants on how to administer basic life support. Our online life support training is available at any time and from any location, providing care providers of all sizes with a workable option. You will receive a CPD-accredited online training course created by a Skills for Care provider when you choose our basic life support training. This makes sure the information in our basic life support training complies with the criteria set by the healthcare industry.

This introductory course in basic life support gives students important knowledge about life support, but it does not substitute for hands-on instruction. To be able to physically administer the care, you must finish basic life support training that includes practical application.

The three fundamental components of our training are initial evaluation (primary survey), airway management, and CPR. DRSABCD (Dr’s ABCD) can be used to recall the primary survey.

  • D – Danger – Check it is safe to approach the casualty.
  • R – Response – Is the casualty alert and talking?
  • S – Shout for help.
  • A – Airways – Open their airway if unresponsive.
  • B – Breathing – Look to see if they are breathing normally.
  • C – CPR/circulation – If not breathing, commence CPR, if breathing check for bleeding & put in the recovery position.
  • D – If CPR is needed a defibrillator should be used alongside it if possible.

Additionally, this course provides students with the fundamental skills necessary to provide basic life support in healthcare settings. Our training will not only help you follow Standard 12 of the Care Certificate’s Standards and strive to maintain your legal compliance, but it can also save lives.